Chuukese Translation Services
Ran Annim!
My name is Jill Short. When I was a young girl, my parents and I went to live in the Chuuk Islands as missionaries. My life has never been the same.

I have now been speaking, translating and interpreting the Chuukese language for over forty years. I offer both on-site and remote services, thus enabling easy access anywhere in the world.
I offer a full range of interpretation and translation services:​
Court Interpretation- Telephonic, Zoom/VMR and In-Person/On-Site;
Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation
Liaison-based support;
Qualified/Certified Interpreter for Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ICE, Lionbridge, AVAZA (and more);
Document Translation, Proofreading and Editing;
Member of ProZ, Translators Café and other Interpreter Forums;
In addition to the services listed above, I am also available for events/public speaking on language and cultural awareness relating to Chuuk, Micronesia and the Pacific Islands.
​Kinisou Chapur!
Chuuk, Micronesia

CHUUK is in Micronesia, a vast region in the western Pacific Ocean. There are more than 2,000 islands/atolls in Micronesia! On a world map, the Chuuk Islands are almost exactly halfway between Hawaii and the Philippines.
Chuukese is the official language of Chuuk. There are currently 50,000+ Chuukese-speaking people living throughout the world.

Read my story!
Far Island, My Island
The Land and Sea
that Captured my Heart
Jillian Short
Far Island, My Island is the true story of a young girl, propelled into a life she had never expected, only to emerge the woman she had never known existed within her.
"Heartfelt and grand--an astonishing tale of life and death so moving, I felt each step deep within my own soul. Bravo!" -Sheridan E. Claude, author of The Long Walk Home and Across Time, Across Tears. "Truly genuine through and through, Jillian Short is delightful! -Dr. Pamela J. Pine, CEO, Stop the Silence®
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